Appraiser: The Carolina Appraisal Group, Inc. Details
Company: The Carolina Appraisal Group, Inc.
Contact: Tara Osborne
Address: 1107 Doyle St. Orangeburg, South Carolina, 29115
Phone: 803-534-5554
Fax: 803-533-1119 Appraisers Website:
Appraisal Types: Residental, Commercial FHA, EDI
The Carolina Appraisal Group, Inc. is a full service appraisal firm covering the entire State of SC.
Serves Counties: Abbeville (SC), Aiken (SC), Allendale (SC), Anderson (SC), Bamberg (SC), Barnwell (SC), Beaufort (SC), Berkeley (SC), Calhoun (SC), Charleston (SC), Cherokee (SC), Chester (SC), Chesterfield (SC), Clarendon (SC), Colleton (SC), Darlington (SC), Dillon (SC), Dorchester (SC), Edgefield (SC), Fairfield (SC), Florence (SC), Georgetown (SC), Greenville (SC), Greenwood (SC), Hampton (SC), Horry (SC), Jasper (SC), Kershaw (SC), Lancaster (SC), Laurens (SC), Lee (SC), Lexington (SC), Marion (SC), Marlboro (SC), Mccormick (SC), Newberry (SC), Oconee (SC), Orangeburg (SC), Pickens (SC), Richland (SC), Saluda (SC), Spartanburg (SC), Sumter (SC), Union (SC), Williamsburg (SC), York (SC)
License: CG2920